Career Readiness Certificate (WorkKeys)

National Career Readiness Certificate (CRC) proves to employers that you have the skills to do the job. A majority of the jobs in the US require competency in:

  • Applied Mathematics
  • Workplace Documents
  • Graphic Literacy

Employers nationwide recognize the CRC as proof of your skills.

There are four certificate levels:

  • Platinum
  • Gold
  • Silver
  • Bronze

To schedule a test or for more information, contact Kathrine Helms at (704) 991-0364 or email at 

The cost for the National Career Readiness Certificate is $37.50 ($12.50/section) and that fee cannot be waived.

To prepare for the test, Stanly Community College provides online instruction, to help you build the skills necessary. The class is offered at no cost to dislocated workers, unemployed individuals or people who meet the HRD income guidelines.

Students can enroll at any time during the semester. Students must register at:

Eddins Building  207A
141 College Drive
Albemarle, NC 28001

 For a free practice test, click on the link below:

 After clicking on the link, choose "Create Account"