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Nicole Williams
Vice President, Institutional Advancement & Executive Director, Foundation
You've Graduated! Now What?
An important part of the SCC experience continues after your time as a student is over.
The Stanly Community College Alumni Association (SCCAA) provides opportunities for alumni to stay connected and involved in the vibrant campus community. As an SCC graduate, you are part of a group of alumni who continue to succeed in various fields of healthcare, business, public service, technology, arts, science, and manufacturing. We invite you to join other alumni in supporting and engaging in projects of the alumni association that uphold the mission of the College, promote loyalty, and strengthen relationships.
The Outstanding Alumni Award honors and recognizes those alumni who have achieved professional accomplishments in their chosen career and who have made significant contributions to their community and to the lives of others. Recipients of this prestigious award represent the ideal of caring, successful, and committed person to whom the Stanly Community College community can look to as an example.
Nominations for this award are accepted every spring from SCC's faculty and staff.
Trey Hinton, Class of 2014, received the Outstanding Alumni Award.
Trey was employed by the Mecklenburg County Sheriff's Office as a Detention Officer for 4 years when he entered the BLET program. During BLET, it was obvious that physical fitness was important to Trey, and he excelled in this area. Trey always had a positive attitude, always strove to do his best, and was never satisfied with “good enough.”
After graduating BLET, Trey worked for the Kannapolis Police Department as a patrol officer and as a vice/narcotics officer from 2014-2018. In 2017, Trey was awarded the Roger Dale Carter Outstanding Officer/Detective Award. He received the Lifesaving Award for saving a life by extracting and performing CPR on a driver involved in a traffic accident in 2016. In 2018, Trey was awarded the Police Medal of Valor for his actions during an officer-involved shooting in the Town Suites Hotel while attempting to make an arrest on a large drug transaction. Trey pursued an armed suspect into the hotel hallway that had several civilians present, and without cover, engaged the suspect and prevented any of the civilians from being harmed.
Trey currently works for the Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Department and has been there for 6 years. He was recognized as Employee of the Month in 2019 and was the CMPD Officer of the Year in 2022. Trey was awarded the Chief’s Award for Excellence for his work in Operation Sawzall which targeted catalytic converter theft. He has served as a detective in one of the most dangerous divisions in Charlotte and is currently assigned as a detective in CMPD’s Criminal Intelligence Division.
David William Plyler, Class of 2014, received the Outstanding Alumni Award.
Mr. Souther began teaching at SCC in 1996 as an adjunct and was hired as a full-time Criminal Justice instructor in 1999. In 2001, Mr. Souther was instrumental in developing the first Criminal Justice Online program in the North Carolina Community College System.
Today, Mr. Souther serves as an Associate Professor at Lindsey Wilson College of Kentucky in their Criminal Justice Online program. He also continues to teach online Political Science courses for SCC.
Ms. Williams is a 2012 graduate of the Carolina Auction Academy and is now a licensed
auctioneer and an active member of the Auctioneers Association of NC. She earned
her Bachelor of Arts in Political Science at North Carolina State University.
She is currently the Social Media Manager and Lead Auctioneer for Eastway Wrecker
& Auction Services in Charlotte. Ms. Williams also owns her own online business called
Dainty Dots Online Gift Boutiques found at, which specializes
in handmade crafts, custom embroidery and vinyl.
Mr. Bowen received the 2014 Outstanding Alumni Award. He earned his degree in Criminal Justice from SCC.