Albemarle, NC – The Stanly Community College (SCC) Phi Beta Lambda (PBL) chapter recently returned from its State Leadership Conference and Competitive Events with a “Gold Seal Chapter” designation, the winning Local Chapter Annual Business Report, and numerous other awards, including the state Professional Division-Foundation’s “Chapter of the Year.”
Meeting at the Charlotte University Place Hilton, the conference was held in person following two years of virtual conferences because of COVID-19 restrictions. All of SCC’s eight student delegates received recognition, led by First Place awards in five individual events.
Members are allowed to participate in two events, and SCC’s Nicole Story received the top placement in both the Sales Presentation and Future Business Executive competitions.
Matthew Kelly placed first in the Cybersecurity event, Chloee Thomas won the Global Analysis and Decision Making, and Taylor Bolton in Insurance Concepts.
In other events, Mr. Kelley and Darrell Roberts placed Second and Fifth in Networking Concepts; Toby Neal placed Third in both Retail Management and Job Interview, Madison Davis placed Fourth in Personal Finance, and Vyktoria Iverson placed Seventh in Organizational Behavior and Leadership.
Allison Smith, an SCC graduate and current senior at Pfeiffer University, won First Place in both the Accounting for Professionals and Cost Accounting events.
Other First Place awards went to students from Chowan University, Campbell University, Gardner-Webb University, Wake Technical Community College, Rowan-Cabarrus Community College, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, Barton College, Catawba College, and Central Piedmont Community College.
SCC graduate Kathy Almond received the NCPBL Professional Division-Foundation, Inc., Distinguished Service Award for her contributions to PBL at the local and state level.
During the election of officers, Ivan Huffman, a senior at Western Carolina University,
was elected as state president, and Toby Neal from SCC was elected as Vice President
of Communications. Other state officers are from Rowan-Cabarrus Community College,
Gardner-Webb University, and Montreat College.
Special guests at the conference included Madison Kramer, a national officer from the University of Northern Iowa, and Mr. Alex Graham, the CEO of Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda, Inc., from Washington, DC.
Throughout the weekend, delegates participated in a Leadership Development Program series of nine sessions on business, leadership, and career preparation. Among the session presenters were SCC Small Business Center Director Reece Linnell (speaking on entrepreneurship), Agribusiness curriculum head Alaina Finney (speaking on the economic status of agricultural business in the state), and HR Consultant Charlotte Maness (speaking on characteristics of new employees that contribute toward promotions).
Attending with the students were Chapter Advisers Katrina Sams and Dan Hazlett.
Ms. Story, Ms. Thomas and Mr. Neal will be delegates to the organization’s 2022 National Leadership Conference this summer in Chicago.
“Stanly Community College is extremely proud of the PBL chapter and these particular students,” commented Dr. John Enamait, college president. “The recognition reflects the students’ abilities, the quality of instruction they are receiving, and our commitment to leadership development through our student organizations. Along with the trustees and the staff, I congratulate all of them and give our best wishes to the delegates to the national event.”
Phi Beta Lambda is the collegiate division of Future Business Leaders of America. Because of its emphasis upon leadership and career preparation, membership is open to all students at the college.
“The recognition of the PBL students is an addition to the year-long celebration of SCC’s 50th Anniversary,” commented Mr. Hazlett. “The PBL chapter was chartered in 1974, the first student organization on campus under the Student Government Association umbrella. That first year, Lydia Almond Morris won First Place in the state Typing event and participated in the national conference in Miami Beach. SCC has had state winners going on to national competition for all but two of its 48 years and is now recognized as one of the strongest chapters in the country. Ms. Sams and I give credit to the on-going support of the college’s administration and staff for the student organizations on campus. Those groups not only bring recognition to the college but also provide invaluable opportunities that help make our students good employees and community leaders.”