EPA Disclosure

Program Information

Visit the AHR-312303 Refrigerant Certification to learn more about our curriculum. 

Licensure Disclosure

Stanly Community College academic programs (credit and non-credit) that are designed to lead to state educational requirements for professional licenses are either tied to the State of North Carolina or national certification.

This course is preparation for national certification. Use these links to learn more about EPA Section 608 Technician Certification and CFC Certification

If you intend to pursue professional licenses outside the State of North Carolina once you have completed your academic program at Stanly Community College, please refer to the Professional Licensure Section on the college's state authorization page for additional information: State Authorization

U.S. States

Agency Information

Alabama Board of Heating, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Contractors

100 N. Union St., Ste. 986

Montgomery, AL 36104

Phone: (334) 242-5550; (866) 855-1912

Email: staff@hacr.alabama.gov

Website: AL Board of HACR Webpage

State Educational Requirements:

Meets State Educational Requirements


The North Carolina State Board of Refrigeration Contractors "CFC Certifications are valid in all 50 states and US territories and they do not expire."

Agency Information

Division of Corporations, Business and Professional Licensing 

P.O. Box 110806

Juneau, AK 99811-0806

Phone: (907) 465-2050

Fax: (907) 465-2974

Email: mechanicaladministrators@alaska.gov

Contact form: https://www.commerce.alaska.gov/cbp/main/Search/ContactForm

Website: AK Professional Licensing Webpage

State Educational Requirements:

Meets State Educational Requirements


The North Carolina State Board of Refrigeration Contractors "CFC Certifications are valid in all 50 states and US territories and they do not expire."

Agency Information

AZ Registrar of Contractors

1700 W. Washington St. Suite 105

Phoenix, AZ 85007

Phone: (602) 541-2710; ; 877-692-9762

Email: licensing@roc.az.gov

Website: AZ Registrar of Contractors Webpage

State Educational Requirements:

Meets State Educational Requirements


The North Carolina State Board of Refrigeration Contractors "CFC Certifications are valid in all 50 states and US territories and they do not expire."


Agency Information

Arkansas Dept. of Labor and Licensing, HVAC/R Board

900 W Capitol Ave, Suite 400

Little Rock, AR 72201

Phone: 501-682-9201 or 501-682-4553

Email: ADLL.HVAC@arkansas.gov 

Website: AR Dept. of Labor & Licensing

State Educational Requirements:

Meets State Educational Requirements


The North Carolina State Board of Refrigeration Contractors "CFC Certifications are valid in all 50 states and US territories and they do not expire."

Agency Information

Department of Consumer Affairs

Contractors State License Board

PO Box 26000

Sacramento, CA 95826

Phone: (916) 255-3900

Website: CA Contractor State License Board Webpage

State Educational Requirements:

Meets State Educational Requirements


The North Carolina State Board of Refrigeration Contractors "CFC Certifications are valid in all 50 states and US territories and they do not expire."

Agency Information

Division of Professions and Occupations

1560 Broadway, Suite 1350

Denver, CO 80202

Phone: 303-894-7800 / Fax: 303-894-7693

Email: dora_dpo_licensing@state.co.us

Website: CO Division of Professions Webpage

State Educational Requirements:

Meets State Educational Requirements


The North Carolina State Board of Refrigeration Contractors "CFC Certifications are valid in all 50 states and US territories and they do not expire."

Agency Information

Department of Consumer Protection

450 Columbus Boulevard, Suite 901

Hartford, CT 06103-1840

Phone: (860) 713-6100

Email: dcp.occupationalprofessional@ct.gov

Website:  CT Dept. of Consumer Protection Webpage

State Educational Requirements:

Meets State Educational Requirements


The North Carolina State Board of Refrigeration Contractors "CFC Certifications are valid in all 50 states and US territories and they do not expire."

Agency Information

Division of Professional Regulation

Board of Plumbing, Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Examiners

Cannon Building, Suite 203

861 Silver Lake Blvd.

Dover, DE 19904

Phone: (302) 744-4500 / Fax: (302) 739-2711

Email: customerservice.dpr@delaware.gov

Website: DE Division of Professional Regulation Webpage

State Educational Requirements:

Meets State Educational Requirements


The North Carolina State Board of Refrigeration Contractors "CFC Certifications are valid in all 50 states and US territories and they do not expire."

Agency Information

DC Department of Licensing and Consumer Protection

Board of Industrial Trades

1100 4th Street, SW, 3rd Floor

Washington, DC 20024

Phone: (202) 442-4320

Email: opla.industrialtrades@dc.gov

Contact form: Licensing and Consumer Protection contact

Website: DC Dept. of Licensing Webpage

State Educational Requirements:

Meets State Educational Requirements


The North Carolina State Board of Refrigeration Contractors "CFC Certifications are valid in all 50 states and US territories and they do not expire."

Agency Information

Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation's

2601 Blair Stone Rd.

Tallahassee, FL 32399

Phone: 850-487-1395

Contact form: http://www.myfloridalicense.com/contactus/

Website:  FL Dept. of Business & Prof. Regulation Webpage

State Educational Requirements:

Meets State Educational Requirements


The North Carolina State Board of Refrigeration Contractors "CFC Certifications are valid in all 50 states and US territories and they do not expire."

Agency Information

State Construction Industry Licensing Board

214 State Capitol

Atlanta, GA 30334

Phone: (404) 424-9966

Contact Form: Contact Georgia Board Cond. Air Contractors

Website: GA Board of Cond. Air Contractors Webpage

State Educational Requirements:

Meets State Educational Requirements


The North Carolina State Board of Refrigeration Contractors "CFC Certifications are valid in all 50 states and US territories and they do not expire."

Agency Information

DCCA-Professional and Vocational Licensing Division

P.O. Box 3469

Honolulu, HI 96801

Phone: 808-586-3000

Email: pvl@dcca.hawaii.gov

Website: HI Professional Licensing Webpage

State Educational Requirements:

Meets State Educational Requirements


The North Carolina State Board of Refrigeration Contractors "CFC Certifications are valid in all 50 states and US territories and they do not expire."

Agency Information

Idaho Division of Occupational and Professional Licenses

PO Box 83720

Boise, ID  83720-0063

Phone: (208) 334-3950

Website: ID Div. of Occ. & Professional Licensing Webpage

State Educational Requirements:

Meets State Educational Requirements


The North Carolina State Board of Refrigeration Contractors "CFC Certifications are valid in all 50 states and US territories and they do not expire."

Agency Information

Illinois Department of Labor

160 N. LaSalle, Suite C-1300

Chicago, IL  60601

Phone (312) 793-2800

Website: IL Dept. of Labor Webpage

State Educational Requirements:

Meets State Educational Requirements


The North Carolina State Board of Refrigeration Contractors "CFC Certifications are valid in all 50 states and US territories and they do not expire." 

Illinois does not require a state License, however to open an HVAC contracting business, you will need a business license. 

Agency Information

Department of Business and Neighborhood Services

1200 Madison Ave, Suite 100

Indianapolis, IN 46204

Phone: 317-327-8700

Fax: 317-327-5174

Email: contractors@indy.gov

Website: IN Contractor Licenses Webpage

State Educational Requirements:

Meets State Educational Requirements


The North Carolina State Board of Refrigeration Contractors "CFC Certifications are valid in all 50 states and US territories and they do not expire."

Indiana residents generally do an apprenticeship in conjunction with the Indiana Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors Association, a trade school, or community college. Apprentice programs combine on-the-job experience with night or weekend classes and take three to five years to complete.

Agency Information

Iowa Department of Inspections, Appeals, & Licensing

Plumbing and Mechanical Systems Board Office

6200 Park Avenue Suite 100

Des Moines, IA 50321

Phone: 515-281-6071

Website: IA HVAC Licensure Webpage

State Educational Requirements:

Meets State Educational Requirements


The North Carolina State Board of Refrigeration Contractors "CFC Certifications are valid in all 50 states and US territories and they do not expire."

Agency Information

Kansas Board of Technical Professions

900 S.W. Jackson St., Suite 507

Topeka, KS 66612-1257

Phone: (785) 296-3053

Website: Kansas Business and Industry

State Educational Requirements:

Meets State Educational Requirements


The North Carolina State Board of Refrigeration Contractors "CFC Certifications are valid in all 50 states and US territories and they do not expire."

The state of Kansas does not require HVAC contractors to hold a license in order to work; however, there may be requirements on the local level so it’s important to check with the local jurisdiction in which you plan to work.

Agency Information

Kentucky Bd. of Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Contractors

500 Mero St. 1st fl.

Frankfort, KY 40601

Phone: 502-573-0395

Fax: 502-573-1401

Email: hvac@ky.gov

Website: KY Division of HVAC

State Educational Requirements:

Meets State Educational Requirements


The North Carolina State Board of Refrigeration Contractors "CFC Certifications are valid in all 50 states and US territories and they do not expire."

Agency Information

Louisiana State Licensing Board for Contractors

600 North Street

Baton Rouge, LA  70802

Phone: (225) 765-2301

Contact form: https://lslbc.louisiana.gov/contact-us/

Website: LA State Licensing Board Webpage

State Educational Requirements:

Meets State Educational Requirements


The North Carolina State Board of Refrigeration Contractors "CFC Certifications are valid in all 50 states and US territories and they do not expire."

Agency Information

Department of Professional & Financial Regulation

Office of Professional and Occupational Regulation

35 State House Station

Augusta, ME 04333-0035

Phone: (207) 624-8603

Website: ME Professional Licensing Webpage

State Educational Requirements:

Meets State Educational Requirements


The North Carolina State Board of Refrigeration Contractors "CFC Certifications are valid in all 50 states and US territories and they do not expire."

There are no HVAC contractor licensing requirements on the state level in Maine; however, it is important to check the local requirements before you begin any work.

Agency Information

Maryland Board of Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Contractors

1100 N. Eutaw Street, Rm 121

Baltimore, MD  21201

Phone: 410-230-6196 / Fax: 410-962-8483

Email: DLOPLHVACR-LABOR@maryland.gov

Website: MD Board of HVACR Webpage

State Educational Requirements:

Meets State Educational Requirements


The North Carolina State Board of Refrigeration Contractors "CFC Certifications are valid in all 50 states and US territories and they do not expire."

Agency Information

Massachusetts Division of Occupational Licensure

1000 Washington Street, Suite 710

Boston, MA 02118

Phone (617) 727-3200

Website: MA Div. of Occupational Licensure Webpage

State Educational Requirements:

Meets State Educational Requirements


The North Carolina State Board of Refrigeration Contractors "CFC Certifications are valid in all 50 states and US territories and they do not expire."

A general HVAC contractor in Massachusetts does not require a state license to work, unless they work specifically in refrigeration. A refrigeration contractor, who works with more than 10 tons of refrigeration must be licensed. To become licensed, you will need to complete 100 hours of classroom theory education at an approved school, pass an exam, and show that you have had 2,000 hours of experience as a licensed refrigeration technician.

Agency Information

Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs

Bureau of Construction Codes, Mechanical Division

P.O. Box 30004

Lansing, MI 48909

Phone: 517-241-9316

Fax: 517-241-0130

E-Mail: lara-bcc-licensing@michigan.gov

Website: MI LARA - Mechanical Division Webpage

State Educational Requirements:

Meets State Educational Requirements


The North Carolina State Board of Refrigeration Contractors "CFC Certifications are valid in all 50 states and US territories and they do not expire."

Agency Information

Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry

443 Lafayette Road N.

St. Paul, MN 55155

Phone (Contractors):  (651) 284-5005; 800-342-5354

Phone: (Individuals): 651-284-5031

Email: dli.license@state.mn.us

Website:  MN Dept. of Labor & Industry

State Educational Requirements:

Meets State Educational Requirements


The North Carolina State Board of Refrigeration Contractors "CFC Certifications are valid in all 50 states and US territories and they do not expire."

While there are no state licensing requirements for HVAC contractors in Minnesota, they are required (as mechanical contractors) to file a $25,000 surety bond with the Department of Labor and Industry. There may be local licensing requirements.

Agency Information

Mississippi State Board of Contractors

P.O. Box 320279

Jackson MS 39232

Phone: (601) 354-6161

Fax: 601-354-6715

Email:  info@msboc.us

Website: MS State Board of Contractors Webpage

State Educational Requirements:

Meets State Educational Requirements


The North Carolina State Board of Refrigeration Contractors "CFC Certifications are valid in all 50 states and US territories and they do not expire."

Agency Information

Missouri Division of Professional Registration 

3605 Missouri Boulevard, P.O. Box 1335

Jefferson City, MO  65102-1335

Phone: (573) 751-0293

Email: profreg@pr.mo.gov

Website: MO Professional Registration & Licensing Webpage

State Educational Requirements:

Meets State Educational Requirements


The North Carolina State Board of Refrigeration Contractors "CFC Certifications are valid in all 50 states and US territories and they do not expire."

HVAC contractors do not require a license on the state level in order to work in Missouri. However, there may be local requirements so make sure to check county or city requirements before you begin work.

Agency Information

Montana Department of Labor and Industry

Employment Standards Division

301 South Park, PO Box 200513

Helena, MT 59620‐0513

Phone: (406) 444-6880

Email: buildingcodes@mt.gov

Website: MT Dept. of Labor Webpage

State Educational Requirements:

Meets State Educational Requirements


The North Carolina State Board of Refrigeration Contractors "CFC Certifications are valid in all 50 states and US territories and they do not expire."

As an HVAC contractor who does not plan to hire employees, there is no license requirement, but you will have to register with the Department of Labor and Industry. If you plan to hire employees, you will need a general construction contractor license. There is no testing or experience required. You will need proof of worker’s compensation insurance.

Agency Information

Nebraska Department of Labor 

550 S. 16th Street, 3rd Floor

Lincoln, NE 68508

Phone: (402) 471-2239 / Fax: (402) 471-5039

Email: ndol.contractorregistration@nebraska.gov

Website: NE Dept. of Labor - Contractors Webpage

State Educational Requirements:

Meets State Educational Requirements


The North Carolina State Board of Refrigeration Contractors "CFC Certifications are valid in all 50 states and US territories and they do not expire."

There is no state-level licensing for HVAC contractors in Nebraska; however, there may be licensing requirements on a local level so it’s important to check these before you start working. As a contractor working in the state, you will need to be registered with the Nebraska Department of Labor and if you have employees you must show proof of worker’s compensation.

Agency Information

Nevada State Contractors Board

8400 West Sunset Road, Ste. 150

Las Vegas, NV  89113

Phone: (702) 486-1100 / Fax: (702) 486-1190

Website: NV State Contractor Board Webpage

State Educational Requirements:

Meets State Educational Requirements


The North Carolina State Board of Refrigeration Contractors "CFC Certifications are valid in all 50 states and US territories and they do not expire."

Agency Information

New Hampshire Office of Professional Licensure and Certification 

7 Eagle Square

Concord, NH 03301

Phone: (603) 271-2152

Website: NH Mechanical Safety & Licensing Webpage

State Educational Requirements:

Meets State Educational Requirements


The North Carolina State Board of Refrigeration Contractors "CFC Certifications are valid in all 50 states and US territories and they do not expire."

Agency Information

State Board of Examiners of HVACR Contractors

P.O. Box 47031

Newark, NJ  07101

Phone: (973) 504-6250

Email: HVACR@dca.njoag.gov

Website: NJ State Board of HVACR Webpage

State Educational Requirements:

Meets State Educational Requirements


The North Carolina State Board of Refrigeration Contractors "CFC Certifications are valid in all 50 states and US territories and they do not expire."

Agency Information

New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department

Construction and Industries Division

5500 San Antonio Dr. NE

Albuquerque, NM 87109

Phone: (505) 476-4700

Email: rldcid@state.nm.us

Website: NM Regulation & Licensing Webpage

State Educational Requirements:

Meets State Educational Requirements


The North Carolina State Board of Refrigeration Contractors "CFC Certifications are valid in all 50 states and US territories and they do not expire."

Agency Information

NYC Department of Buildings Licensing & Exams Unit

280 Broadway, 1st Floor

New York, NY 10007

Phone: (212) 393-2259

Website: NY Industry Licensing Webpage

State Educational Requirements:

Meets State Educational Requirements


The North Carolina State Board of Refrigeration Contractors "CFC Certifications are valid in all 50 states and US territories and they do not expire."

There is no state licensing requirement for HVAC technicians in New York. However, there are local requirements and you must check the local regulations before you begin work.



Agency Information

North Carolina State Board of Refrigeration Contractors

1027 US Hwy. 70 W., Suite 221

Garner, NC 27529

Phone: (919) 779-4711

Website: NC Refrigeration Board Webpage

State Board of Examiners of Plumbing, Heating, and Fire Sprinkler Contractors

1109 Dresser Court

Raleigh, NC 27609

Phone: 984-884-5753 (questions about the application process and exams)

Fax: (919) 875-3616

Email: atipton@nclicensing.org (questions about the application process and exams)

Contact form: https://nclicensing.org/contact-us (scroll to the bottom of the page)

Website: NC Licensing Webpage

State Educational Requirements:

Meets State Educational Requirements


The North Carolina State Board of Refrigeration Contractors "CFC Certifications are valid in all 50 states and US territories and they do not expire."

Agency Information

North Dakota Secretary of State

600 E Boulevard Avenue, Dept 108

Bismarck, ND 58505-0500

Phone: 701-328-2900; 800-366-6888

Fax: 701-328-2992

Email: sos@nd.gov

Website: ND Sec. of State - Contractors Webpage

State Educational Requirements:

Meets State Educational Requirements


The North Carolina State Board of Refrigeration Contractors "CFC Certifications are valid in all 50 states and US territories and they do not expire."

Agency Information

Ohio Department of Commerce

Ohio Construction Industry Licensing Board (OCILB)

77 S. High Street, 23rd Fl.

Columbus, OH  43215-6133

Phone: (614) 644-3493

Email: IC@com.state.oh.us

Website: OH Construction Board Licensing Webpage

State Educational Requirements:

Meets State Educational Requirements


The North Carolina State Board of Refrigeration Contractors "CFC Certifications are valid in all 50 states and US territories and they do not expire."

Agency Information

Oklahoma Construction Industry Board

2401 NW 23rd Street, Suite 2F

Oklahoma City, OK 73107

Phone: (405) 521-6550; 877-484-4424

Fax: (405) 521-6525

Website: OK Construction Industries Webpage

State Educational Requirements:

Meets State Educational Requirements


The North Carolina State Board of Refrigeration Contractors "CFC Certifications are valid in all 50 states and US territories and they do not expire."

Agency Information

Oregon Dept. of Consumer and Business Services

1535 Edgewater Street NW

P.O. Box 14470

Salem, OR 97309-0404

Phone: 503-373-1268 / Fax: 503-378-2322

Email: license.bcd@dcbs.oregon.gov

Website: OR Licensing Department Webpage

State Educational Requirements:

Meets State Educational Requirements


The North Carolina State Board of Refrigeration Contractors "CFC Certifications are valid in all 50 states and US territories and they do not expire."

Agency Information

Commonwealth Of Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry

1700 Labor & Industry Building

Harrisburg, PA 17120

Phone: (717)  787-5279

Website: PA Contractor Licensing Webpage

State Educational Requirements:

Meets State Educational Requirements


The North Carolina State Board of Refrigeration Contractors "CFC Certifications are valid in all 50 states and US territories and they do not expire."

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania currently has no licensure or certification requirements for most construction contractors (or their employees).

Agency Information

State of Rhode Island Contractors' Registration & Licensing Board

Professional Regulation Unit

560 Jefferson Blvd., Suite 100

Warwick, RI 02866

Phone: (401) 921-1590

Email: DBR.StateBuildingOffice@dbr.ri.gov

Website:  RI Dept. of Labor Regulation Webpage

State Educational Requirements:

Meets State Educational Requirements


The North Carolina State Board of Refrigeration Contractors "CFC Certifications are valid in all 50 states and US territories and they do not expire."

Agency Information

Labor Licensing Regulation

110 Centerview Dr

Columbia, SC  29210

Phone: (803) 896-4686

Email: Contact.CLB@llr.sc.gov

Website: SC Labor Licensing Webpage

State Educational Requirements:

Meets State Educational Requirements


The North Carolina State Board of Refrigeration Contractors "CFC Certifications are valid in all 50 states and US territories and they do not expire."

Agency Information

South Dakota Department of Labor & Regulation

123 W. Missouri Ave.

Pierre, SD 57501

Phone: (605)773-3101 / Fax: (605)773-6184

Website: SD Dept. of Labor & Regulation Webpage

State Educational Requirements:

Meets State Educational Requirements


The North Carolina State Board of Refrigeration Contractors "CFC Certifications are valid in all 50 states and US territories and they do not expire."

Agency Information

Department of Commerce and Insurance

Contractors & Home Improvement

500 James Robertson Pkwy 

Nashville, TN 37243-0565

Phone: (615) 741-8307: 800-544-7693

Email: Contractors.Home-Improvement@tn.gov

Website: TN Contractors and Home Improvement

State Educational Requirements:

Meets State Educational Requirements


The North Carolina State Board of Refrigeration Contractors "CFC Certifications are valid in all 50 states and US territories and they do not expire."

Agency Information

Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation

Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Contractors

PO Box 12157

Austin, TX 78711

Phone: (512) 463-6599; 800-803-9202

Fax: (512) 463-9468

Contact form: https://ga.tdlr.texas.gov:1443/form/csgeneralinquiry

Website: TX Dept. of Licensing Webpage

State Educational Requirements:

Meets State Educational Requirements


The North Carolina State Board of Refrigeration Contractors "CFC Certifications are valid in all 50 states and US territories and they do not expire."

Agency Information

Utah Commerce Division of Professional Licensing

PO Box 146741

Salt Lake City, UT  84111-6741

Phone: (801) 530-6628

Email: dopl@utah.gov

Website: UT Commerce Division of Prof. Licensing Webpage

State Educational Requirements:

Meets State Educational Requirements


The North Carolina State Board of Refrigeration Contractors "CFC Certifications are valid in all 50 states and US territories and they do not expire."

Agency Information

Vermont Secretary of State

Office of Professional Regulation

89 Main Street, 3rd Fl.

Montpelier, VT 05620-3402

Phone: 802-828-1505

Email: SOS.OPRLicensing2@Vermont.Gov

Contact form: https://sos.vermont.gov/opr/about-opr/contact-us/

Website: VT Office of Professional Regulation

State Educational Requirements:

Meets State Educational Requirements


The North Carolina State Board of Refrigeration Contractors "CFC Certifications are valid in all 50 states and US territories and they do not expire."

Agency Information

Department of Professional & Occupational Regulation

9960 Mayland Drive Suite 400 

Richmond, VA 23233-1485

Phone: (804) 367-8511

Email: contractors@dpor.virginia.gov

Website: VA Dept. of Prof. & Occ. Regulation Webpage

State Educational Requirements:

Meets State Educational Requirements


The North Carolina State Board of Refrigeration Contractors "CFC Certifications are valid in all 50 states and US territories and they do not expire."

Agency Information

WA State Dept. of Labor & Industries

7273 Linderson Way SW

Tumwater, WA 98501-5414

Phone: (360) 902-5800

Email: ElectricalProgram@Lni.wa.gov

Website: WA State Licensing Webpage

State Educational Requirements:

Meets State Educational Requirements


The North Carolina State Board of Refrigeration Contractors "CFC Certifications are valid in all 50 states and US territories and they do not expire."

Agency Information

Division of Labor

1900 Kanawha Boulevard East

State Capitol - Bldg. 3, Room 200

Charleston, WV 25305

Phone: (304) 558-7890

Email: Licensing@wv.gov

Website: WV Division of Labor Licensing Webpage

State Educational Requirements:

Meets State Educational Requirements


The North Carolina State Board of Refrigeration Contractors "CFC Certifications are valid in all 50 states and US territories and they do not expire."

Agency Information

State of Wisconsin Dept. of Safety & Professional Services

Trades Credentialing Unit

4822 Madison Yards Way

Milwaukee, WI  53705

Phone: (608) 266-2112; 877-617-1565

Email: dsps@wisconsin.gov

Website: WI Dept. of Safety & Prof. Services Webpage

State Educational Requirements:

Meets State Educational Requirements


The North Carolina State Board of Refrigeration Contractors "CFC Certifications are valid in all 50 states and US territories and they do not expire."

Agency Information

Wyoming Department of Workforce Services

5221 Yellowstone Road

Cheyenne, WY  82002

Phone: (307) 777-8650

Website: WY Dept. of Workforce Services Webpage

State Educational Requirements:

Meets State Educational Requirements


The North Carolina State Board of Refrigeration Contractors "CFC Certifications are valid in all 50 states and US territories and they do not expire."

There no state HVAC license requirements for contractors in Wyoming. However, make sure to check the local requirements before you begin working in the state. This information has been provided as a service.

U.S. Territories

Agency Information

American Samoa Office of the Governor

Pago Pago

American Samoa




Contact form: 


Website: https://www.americansamoa.gov/ 

State Educational Requirements:

Meets State Educational Requirements


The North Carolina State Board of Refrigeration Contractors "CFC Certifications are valid in all 50 states and US territories and they do not expire."

Agency Information

Office of the Governor of Guam

Ricardo J. Bordallo Governor's Complex Adelup

Guam 96910

Phone: 671-472-8931; 671-472-8936

Website: Guam

State Educational Requirements:

Meets State Educational Requirements


The North Carolina State Board of Refrigeration Contractors "CFC Certifications are valid in all 50 states and US territories and they do not expire."

Agency Information

CNMI Department of Commerce


Saipan, MP 96950

Phone: (670) 664-3000

Email: info@commerce.gov.mp

Contact form:  https://www.commerce.gov.mp/about-us/contact-us

Website: CNMI Department of Commerce

State Educational Requirements:

Meets State Educational Requirements


The North Carolina State Board of Refrigeration Contractors "CFC Certifications are valid in all 50 states and US territories and they do not expire."

Agency Information

Department of State-Puerto Rico

San Jose St., San Francisco St.

P.O. Box 9023271

San Juan, PR 00902-3271

Phone: 787-722-2121

Email: info@estado.pr.gov

Website: PR Dept. of State Webpage

State Educational Requirements:

Meets State Educational Requirements


The North Carolina State Board of Refrigeration Contractors "CFC Certifications are valid in all 50 states and US territories and they do not expire."

Agency Information

Government of the US Virgin Islands

Department of Licensing and Consumer Affairs

Golden Rock Shopping Center, Suite 9

3000 Estate Golden Rock

St. Croix, VI 00820

Phone: (340) 713-DLCA (3522) / Fax: (340) 718-6982

Contact Form: US Virgin Islands Contact

Website: VI Board Certifications Webpage

State Educational Requirements:

Meets State Educational Requirements


The North Carolina State Board of Refrigeration Contractors "CFC Certifications are valid in all 50 states and US territories and they do not expire."