Languages and Scripting

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Questions? Contact Us.

Kelly Caudle
Program Head, IT Academy

Stanly Community College’s IT Academy (SCC/ITA) offers Programming courses.

SCC/ITA offers these courses under the umbrella of Continuing Education. Using the Python Language for education the Basic Programming Concepts course is a fast-paced course conducted online. All course materials, assessments, and labs are available through our online learning management system. Students have access to top of the line instruction and equipment.

Class Descriptions

Frequently Asked Questions

To start the process of taking a class in the IT Academy, you must first place your name on the wait list.  This can be done by clicking on the following link and selecting the class you wish to take: 

If you wish to take multiple classes, you must sign up on the wait list for each class you wish to take.  Once your name is on the wait list, our registration technicians will register for the classes in a First In First Out manner (FIFO).  We cannot guarantee you will be enrolled in the next set of classes at the IT Academy, but we will do everything we can to enroll you in a class as quickly as possible.  Once you are enrolled, the registration technicians send an email with payment details, and it is your responsibility to pay for the class in a timely manner. 

Each course is 8 weeks (about 2 months) in length.  

Each course varies, but most of our courses will have at least one weekly meeting at a time to be determined by the instructor based on the students’ availability. These will be recorded if you are unable to attend. The rest of the material will be scheduled asynchronously. This will allow students to work in their own time, and at their own pace, which can be especially helpful for adult learners who need to balance their education with work and family responsibilities. It also provides a way for students who live far away from a school or university to participate in courses remotely. However, there will be quizzes, labs, and assignments with due dates to help you stay on track to finish the class. 

Yes, all IT academy courses are offered in a fully online format. 

IT Academy courses start after the regular semester class start date, but typically run five sets of 8-week courses throughout the year. Please check the schedule for exact dates for the next course. 


The materials will be provided free of charge through the Cisco Networking Academy and SCC’s Canvas LMS. The lab environment will be provided through SCC’s Netlab+. 

Python courses map to a 50% discount voucher for the PCAP exam.