Nursing FAQ
Nursing FAQ for the General ADN Track
Thank you in advance for your interest in the nursing program at Stanly Community College. The following list of questions has been compiled to help answer the most common questions related to the nursing program. This list of questions is not meant to take the place of collaborating with our admissions staff or student success coaches.
1. I am interested in nursing but just not sure if that is what I want to do. Can I talk to someone on campus?
Please contact Eagle's One Stop, who will first ask a few questions and refer you to the proper Career Counselor or Student Success Coach. The Eagle's One Stop can be contacted by phone at 704-991-0123 or via email at A link on the website is Eagle's One Stop is accessible for this resource.
2. How do I apply to the nursing program?
Applications to the College can be completed online by visiting CFNC or Step One of the application process.
After your application is completed and processed, a Success Coach will reach out to you with an introduction. Make an appointment with your Success Coach early to ensure correct advising.
Applications must be completed each year that you plan to apply to the nursing program. Applications do not remain active year to year.
3. When is the ADN application deadline?
The application deadline for the ADN program is January 15th each year.
4. What are the requirements for admission to the nursing program?
The admission requirements and process for the ADN program are located at the following link.
5. Who is my Success Coach, formerly referred to as Advisor?
Courtney Wiley,, 704-991-0246
Applicants wishing to return to this nursing program after an unsuccessful attempt need to contact the Nursing Program Director, Chassity Washburn,
6. Can I take general education courses before being admitted into the nursing program?
Yes. Although it is not required to complete general education classes before admission into the nursing program, it is recommended to take as many general education courses within the program of study as possible. Any course other than those beginning with the prefix of NUR or the HUM 115 course can be taken prior to admission into the nursing program.
7. Do I have to take ACA 122 since I have been a student at other colleges/universities?
ACA 122, a college success course, is specific to the resources of Stanly Community College, and therefore, must be taken at SCC.
8. Do I have to take HUM 115 at Stanly Community College?
Yes. HUM 115 is required the summer before beginning the nursing program as laid out in the program of study. This SCC course provides critical thinking exercises to promote your success in the nursing program.
9. Do nursing applicants have to take a placement test, such as SAT or ACT?
Stanly Community College uses RISE (Reinforced Instruction for Student Excellence) to determine college readiness. A table of measures to prove college readiness is accessible through the college website.
10. What if I have taken the placement test elsewhere? Can I submit my scores?
Yes, if the scores are within the given time frame (see table of measures to prove college readiness). Once you have applied to the program, you may have your scores sent to admissions. These scores are not automatically part of your transcript and must be requested specifically to transfer.
11. If I have a bachelor’s degree is the placement test still required?
No. See the table of measures to prove college readiness.
12. How am I invited to take the Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS)?
Applicants to the ADN program that have met the requirements 1 and 4 of the admission process will be invited by admissions to take the TEAS test. Invitations are emailed through SCC student email addresses only. NOTE: Just because you are invited to take the TEAS does not mean you have met all the admission requirements.
13. Is there a minimum required TEAS score?
No, TEAS is used as a ranking tool for applicants.
14. Can I take the TEAS elsewhere and have the results submitted to Stanly Community College?
No. The TEAS test must be taken at Stanly Community College. This ensures all applicants are held to the same testing standards.
15. How long is my TEAS score valid?
The score is good for 2 years and it must be the most current version given by the college.
16. Is there a cost associated with the TEAS test?
Yes. The test cost $70 each time it is taken. Prospective students may also purchase a study guide for the exam from the bookstore or online and practice tests from The price of the TEAS test is subject to change.
17. Do I need to submit my TEAS score to someone?
No, there is no score to submit after taking your TEAS test.
18. When do I find out if I have been granted conditional acceptance to the program?
Admissions will notify applicants, by mailed letter, around mid-March. Applicants that are on the alternate list will also receive notification. Information is accessible via Self-service after letters are mailed.
19. Do I have to be a CNA I in order to be accepted into the program?
Yes. Applicants must submit a certificate of satisfactory completion from a DHSR (Division of Health Service Regulation) approved Nurse Assistant, Level I program, and current unrestricted certification in Nurse Assistant, Level I as listed on the NC Nurse Aid registry ( If an applicant is currently employed as a Nurse Assistant level I but cannot produce a certificate from a DHSR (Division of Health Service Regulation) approved Nurse Assistant, Level I program, documentation from the applicant’s current employer that the applicant has spent at least 240 hours providing patient care at the bedside may be submitted for consideration.
20. What happens if I do not get accepted the year I apply?
You must submit a new application to the nursing program each year that you are seeking admission. Applications do not remain active year to year.
21. Can I substitute other healthcare experience such as medical assistant, LPN, or emergency medical technician for the CNA I requirement?
No. Healthcare experience other than Nurse Assistant level I is not considered in the application process. LPNs from non-accredited nursing schools unable to enter through the LPN to ADN track may be considered for a waiver.
22. Do I have to complete a drug test for the program?
Yes. As a requirement of clinical facilities, all students within the nursing curriculum must pass a drug screening.
23. Do I have to complete a criminal background check as part of the admission requirements?
Yes. As a requirement of the clinical facilities, a criminal background check must be completed. The college does not see the criminal background check results nor give advice related to the results. Being accepted to the program does not mean you are automatically cleared to attend the clinical sites. If the clinical site denies a student clinical privileges, that student is withdrawn from the nursing program.
24. How much does the program cost, including books?
Tuition for the program is based on the number of credit hours you take within a given semester. The following link explains the tuition and other charges in detail. Please refer to the chart to determine your approximate tuition costs. Cost of Tuition
The required textbooks vary in price from year to year. Most books, computer testing, and supplies are purchased at the beginning of the program and are approximately $2000. A nursing kit and uniforms are approximately $300; Miscellaneous (i.e., immunizations updated, criminal background check and drug screening) are approximately $300. An NCLEX-RN review service is required for the final nursing course at a cost set by the service.
25. Do I need clinical uniforms and equipment before the program starts?
No. At a mandatory orientation session prior to your first day of nursing class, faculty will discuss the clinical uniforms and equipment in detail. The items can then be purchased at a retailer given to you by your nursing instructors.
26. Can I work while going to nursing school?
Nursing school is a demanding program. The decision to work is up to you individually. Every student is highly encouraged to apply for financial aid. See the “Are you ready?” document on the website for helpful hints to be successful in nursing school.
27. Is the nursing program online?
The nursing program uses a hybrid approach to meet the educational needs of students. The classroom discussions are videotaped. These can be watched from an off-campus site in real-time. In addition, the captured videos are uploaded on the learning management system for students to review throughout the semester. Watching classroom videos asynchronously or off-site should not be standard student behavior. Classroom learning often involves group work, hands-on experience, and other active learning strategies. It is expected that students attend class regularly.
Testing dates, lab dates (when applicable), and clinical dates are not offered in asynchronous formats and must follow a schedule. Expected clinical days that are mandatory to attend average approximately 10 days a semester. Tests, lab, and other assignments requiring attendance range from 10-20 days per semester as well.
28. Where do I get a badge?
This information will be shared at the mandatory new nursing orientation prior to coming into the program.
29. What days of the week are classes?
First year nursing students have class on Thursdays and Fridays. Summer nursing students have class on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Second year nursing students have class on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and then Monday through Thursday in the final semester.
30. Where do students participate in clinical experiences?
First year nursing students spend most of their clinical time for acute care settings at either Atrium Health Stanly in Albemarle or Atrium Health Union in Monroe. Second year nursing students attend these sites, as well as Atrium Health Cabarrus in Concord, and Presbyterian Hospital in Charlotte. Other sites are used throughout the curriculum for isolated clinical experiences (e.g., AA meetings).
31. Is the nursing program of SCC accredited?
Stanly Community College is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award associate degrees. Contact the Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097 or call 404-679-4500 for questions about the accreditation of Stanly Community College. External Web site:
The Stanly Community College Associate Degree in Nursing program is accredited by the National League for Nursing Commission for Nursing Education Accreditation (NLN CNEA) located at 2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, 20032, 202-909-2526.
The nursing program is approved by the North Carolina Board of Nursing (NCBON).
Updated: 01/18/2024