Campus Crime Report

Stanly Community College (SCC) recognizes the importance of a person’s right to know about the matters that could impact their safety while at the College. The College further recognizes the necessity of providing information about campus crime and security to current and prospective students as well as current and prospective employees of the College.

SCC is committed to maintaining a safe, healthy, and positive work and learning environment. The following procedures and statements have been adopted by the College in compliance with federal and state mandates and in a good faith effort to ensure the health and safety of all members of the campus community.

Since SCC is a public institution, all behavior which is prohibited by federal, state, and local laws is prohibited on the campus or off the campus during an institutional activity, function, or event and will be referred to the proper authorities for action. Students and employees may be suspended for disposition of court action for any violation of a criminal law committed on campus or off campus at an institutionally sponsored function. Additionally, students may be removed from classes and employees removed from duty pending action of charges during an investigation or appeal for reasons relating to his/her physical or emotional safety and well-being of other students, faculty, employees, or college property. Behavior that disrupts the normal environment for instruction and campus life will not be tolerated.

The reputation of the College rests upon the shoulders of students, as well as, the administration, staff, and faculty, and it is hoped that each member of the college community will maintain high standards of citizenship. The campus and College will not be a place of refuge or sanctuary for illegal or irresponsible behavior. Students and employees, as all citizens, are subject to civil authority on and off the campus. SCC does not have or provide any residential housing for students, faculty or staff.

Notification of the annual report and its locations will be emailed to all students, faculty, staff, and employees annually.  The annual report will be available on the college website in the campus safety section.

Access to Campus Facilities

The college campus is closed from 10:00 p.m. until 7:00 a.m., Monday through Thursday. Additionally, the college campus is closed from 5:00 p.m. Friday until 7:00 a.m. Monday and on holidays. Students are not permitted to use classrooms and laboratories after scheduled class hours unless supervised by the appropriate faculty/staff members.

College Policy on Campus Crime

In accordance with the Student Right-to-Know Act, the Campus Security Act of 1990, the Clery Act of 1998, the SAVE Act, and the Higher Education Act of 2008, SCC has zero tolerance toward violence on campus, including sexual assault, aggravated assault, physical confrontations of any kind, verbal threats of intent to cause harm, harassment designed to intimidate another, hate crimes, robbery, burglary, and property crimes such as destruction, theft, employees, or that precipitated by visitors to campus.

A Campus Crime Statistics Report shall be generated from data for the most recent calendar year, as well as the two preceding years. The following criminal offenses are to be reported: criminal homicide, murder, negligent and non-negligent manslaughter; sex offenses, forcible (rape, sodomy, fondling, and sexual assault with an object) and non-forcible (incest and statutory rape); robbery; aggravated assault; burglary; motor vehicle theft; arson; arrest or persons referred for campus disciplinary actions for liquor law violations, drug abuse violations, and weapons violations; and hate crimes. Commission of all crimes previously listed as well as larceny-theft, simple assault, intimidation, and destruction, damage, or vandalism of property, and of other crimes involving bodily injury to any person that manifests evidence that the victim was intentionally selected because of the perpetrator’s bias of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity/national origin, or disability. This report is updated annually and reported to the U.S. Department of Education, in accordance with the law, in October of each year.

In accordance with The Clery Act, The SaVE Act, and SCC policy, postings will be made to all persons at SCC with directions to the Annual Crime Report, Statistics, and the required crime log.

Drugs, alcohol, and weapons are all specialty crime areas when related to SCC.  They are prohibited on our campus.  Please review the entire policy in regards to each at the link on the end of this report.

Campus Law Enforcement Authority

The College strives to provide an educational and working environment that is safe for everyone, through its reliance on existing policies, emergency procedures, internal vigilance, local and county law enforcement agencies, and the 911 system.

SCC utilizes a proactive approach to law and order through our Director of Security, Michael Hinson, and our evening security officers. Michael Hinson and our evening security officers are contracted full-time sworn officers that may be assigned to security coverage. These officers are empowered to protect the college community by enforcing laws and college rules and regulations. Albemarle Police officers are contracted to provide coverage for campus security and during special events. In situations where an officer is not on campus and law enforcement authority is required, 911 will be contacted.

Off-duty, sworn Locust police officers are contracted on a part-time basis to patrol the Crutchfield Education Center in Locust. These officers are empowered to protect the college community by enforcing laws and college rules and regulations. The Locust Chief of Police and the Director of Security coordinate with the officers to insure that quality security is provided for the Crutchfield Education Center. In situations where an officer is not on campus and law enforcement authority is required, 911 will be contacted.

Our security officers are accountable to the policies and procedures of Stanly Community College as well as the CALEA accredited policies and procedures of the Albemarle Police Department and the Locust Police Department.

Emergency Response and Evacuation Procedures

Stanly Community College maintains the SCC Critical Incident Plan for instances of fire, weather disturbances, emergencies, and violence. Evacuation routes and safe areas are posted around the campus.

The campus community is to be immediately notified upon the confirmation of a significant emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of students, employees, and visitors on or off campus, unless issuing a notification will compromise efforts to contain the emergency.

When a determination has been made confirming a significant emergency or dangerous situation, the College President or his/her designee will inform the campus community by immediately placing a message on the public address system, phone tree, campus-wide email, and/or have an announcement posted on the campus website ( The announcement may include, but is not limited to, the following information: type of situation, location of occurrence, and any available information. The decision to issue an emergency response or dangerous situation announcement shall be decided on a case-by-case basis considering all available facts surrounding the campus community, whether the situation is considered a serious or continuing threat to students or employees and the possible risk of compromising local emergency management efforts.

Emergency Call Telephones

Stanly Community College is equipped with “Code Blue” non-dial outdoor emergency telephones located in two parking lots on the Albemarle campus. These phones are easily identified by their columns topped with blue lights. When the red button is pushed, the caller is in immediate contact with Stanly County 911. These phones are for emergency use only.

Reporting Criminal Actions

On-Campus. Emergency Situations should be reported by calling 911. For non-emergency situations, individuals may voluntarily report a crime by contacting Stanly County Communications who will dispatch law enforcement by calling  704-986-3700.

Individuals in classes or college-sponsored activities located off-campus should call 911.

Michael Hinson, Director of Security


Evening Security (Albemarle Campus) 704-991-0300
CEC Security with Locust Police Department 704-991-0364
Jeff Parsons, Executive VP of Academic Affairs


Kimberly Bradshaw, VP of Administrative Services and CFO


Carmen Nunalee, VP of Student Success


Sarah Morton, Administrative Assistant to the CFO


Abby Elkins, Executive Aide to the President



All reasonable efforts shall be made to maintaining confidentiality. Upon receiving a report, an investigation into an incident will begin. In consultation with the President, Executive Leadership Team, and law enforcement, it will be determined if a campus and /or community alert should be issued in the interest of public safety.

The College shall take whatever legal steps necessary in the investigation to resolve the issue and reach restitution. Employees involved in campus violence shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. Requests for information on non-criminal matters shall be forwarded to the Director of Security and he shall properly lodge the request with the appropriate college authorities.

Students who participate in campus violence shall be subject to disciplinary actions up to and including expulsion. Visitors who engage in disruptive activities or crime shall be removed from the scene and may be denied admission, readmission, or entry onto college property. Any person found guilty of criminal acts shall be prosecuted.

Criminal Investigations at Stanly Community College will be investigated in the accredited procedures of the Albemarle Police Department and the Locust Police Department; their policy shall be applied to all involved in the investigation.  Requests for information in regards to a criminal investigation shall be made known and requested to the District Attorney of this 20th judicial district and the Chief of Police of the Albemarle Police Department and/or the Chief of Police of Locust Police.

Incident/Crime Log

Stanly Community College maintains a Daily Crime Log that records all crimes and other serious incidents. The Daily Crime Log is available for public inspection in the office of the campus Director of Security. The Daily Crime Log includes the nature, date, and general location of each crime reported, as well as the disposition of the complaint, if this information is known at the time the log is created. Campus law enforcement posts specific incidents after receiving the incident report and reserves the right to exclude reports from the log in certain circumstances.

Stanly Community College works in conjunction with the Albemarle Police, Locust Police, Stanly County 911 and the Stanly County Sheriff’s Department to promote safety and security to all persons.  We utilize documentation provided by the Albemarle Police, Locust Police, Stanly 991 center, and the Stanly County Sheriff’s department to keep our population and security aware of crime related to campus life.

Victim/Witness Assistance

Medical Facilities Contact Number
Atrium Health Stanly 980-323-4000
Stanly County Health Department 704-982-9171
Emergencies 911
Mental Health Agencies/Counseling Contact Number
Piedmont Behavioral Health 704-983-1123
Foundation Behavioral Services 704-983-3916
Monarch 800-230-7525
Daymark 704-983-2117
Bridges of the Carolinas 704-983-0911
Child Abuse/Neglect Contact Number
Stanly County Dept. of Social Services 704-982-6100
Albemarle Police Department 704-984-9500
Stanly County Sheriff's Department 704-986-3714
Crisis/Rape Counseling/Emergency Assist Contact Number
Pregnancy Crisis Center 704-983-2100
NC Crime Cont. Victims Assistance 800-348-5068
Stanly Community Christian Ministry 704-982-7915
Stanly County Hope Line 704-983-4673
Baptist Center 704-983-1747
Transportation, Shelter, Clothing and Family Management Contact Number
SCUSA 704-986-3790
Stanly Community Christian Ministry 704-982-7915
Stanly County Senior Services 704-986-3769
WIC Program 704-986-3003
Paternity Support 704-982-6100
Guardian Ad Litem 704-983-2889
American Red Cross 704-982-0070
Esther House Domestic Violence Shelter 704-961-7500
Hearing Impaired Contact Number
NC Division of Serv. For the Deaf and Hard of Hearing  
TTY 704-568-8505
V 704-568-8558
TTY 704-835-5306
Environmental Health/Animal Issues Contact Number
Environmental Health 704-986-3675
Animal Control 704-986-3881
Witness Protection, Probation Court, Related Issues Contact Number
District Attorney 704-986-7010
Pretrial Release 704-982-1887
Probation/Parole 704-982-6818
Intensive Probation 704-982-6818
Law Enforcement Contact Number
Albemarle Police Dept 704-984-9500
Stanly Co. Sheriff Dept 704-986-3714
Stanly County  Magistrate's Office Contact Number
Magistrate 704-982-3405
Victim Assistance Contact Number
NC Crime Control Vic. Asst. 800-826-6200
District Attorney 704-986-7010
NC Vic. Assist. Net. 919-831-2857
Financial Assistance 919-733-7974
SAVAN 877-627-2826
Butterfly House


Alcohol & Drug Counselors Contact Number
AA 704-983-1600
Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers


Better Day 704-983-6800
Daymark 704-983-2117
Spanish Interpreter Contact Number

Kelly Shephard (work)
610 Pond Street (cell)


Dr. Liane She (work) 704-991-0257
Stanly Community College Contact Number
Kimberly Bradshaw, VP of Administrative Services & CFO Ext. 206
Jeff Parsons, Executive VP of Academic Affairs Ext. 321
Dr. Cindy Dean, Title 9 Ext. 329
Michael Hinson, Security Ext. 118

Security Maintenance of Campus Facilities

Stanly Community College maintains a strong commitment to campus safety and security. Exterior lighting and landscape control is a critical part of that commitment. SCC’s maintenance department and campus law enforcement make checks of lighting on campus. If lights are discovered to be out or dim, the problem is acted on by the maintenance department. Community members are encouraged to report any deficiency in lighting to any college official.

SCC’s maintenance department and campus law enforcement work together to identify inoperative locking mechanisms. Employees are encouraged to promptly report any locking mechanism deficiency to a representative of the maintenance department or campus law enforcement.

Maintenance staff is available to respond to calls for service regarding unsafe facility conditions or those raising concerns for personal safety and property protection. These conditions also may include unsafe steps or handrails, unsafe roadways on campus, and unsecured equipment.

Prevention and Awareness Activities

Crime Prevention and proactive patrol efforts are two ways that security will ensure a safer environment.  Training and dialogue with the campus population are another way to promote safety.  Below are listed a few approaches that we utilize to provide security, prevention, and awareness.

  • Participation in assistance programs with the local mental health center
  • Referrals to local agencies such as hospitals, social services, and self-help groups
  • Counseling through Student Services
  • Literature available in Career Center on various health and safety issues including alcohol prevention, drug abuse, and sexual offense.
  • Education of students, faculty, and staff in self-defense and crime issues.
  • Participation in groups such as NC Safe Kids, Partners in Health, and Leadership Stanly
  • Education of security officers in all NC required areas for certification, crime prevention, and critical incident training.

Crime Statistics

In accordance with the Student Right-to-Know Act, the Campus Security Act of 1990, and the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008, the College is required to provide information about serious crimes on campus, as defined by the acts, which have occurred during the last three (3) years. Additionally, a log of minor infractions or incidents is maintained on file in the office of campus law enforcement. This Crime Statistics Report is updated annually and reported to the U.S. Department of Education, in accordance with the law, in October of each year. Information can be found at

The Annual Security Report is linked below.

Registered Sex Offenders

Stanly Community College educates persons under the age of 18 years at all campuses or locations.  As such, the College notes that NC General Statute 14-208.18 makes unlawful the presence on any SCC campus or SCC location of persons required to register for sex offenses or offenses against minors. Campus law enforcement will act accordingly in response to any unlawful presence by such persons.

Effective October 2002 the Campus Sex Crime Prevention Act requires that institutions of higher education advise the campus community where it can obtain information about registered sex offenders as provided by the state of North Carolina. This information is located at:

Timely Warning

The Stanly Community College President or his/her designee is responsible for issuing timely warnings in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Act. Anyone with information warranting a timely warning should report the circumstances to the switchboard operator or campus law enforcement. In the event that a situation arises that requires issuance of a warning, the proper timely warning procedure should be followed. These warnings are provided in order to keep the campus community informed about safety and security matters on an ongoing basis and in an effort to prevent similar crimes from occurring.

The decision to issue a timely warning shall be decided on a case-by-case basis in compliance with the act and considering all available facts surrounding the campus community, whether the crime is considered a serious or continuing threat to students or employees, and the possible risk of compromising law enforcement efforts. The campus community is to be immediately notified upon the confirmation of a significant emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of students, employees, and visitors on or off campus, unless issuing a notification will compromise efforts to contain an emergency. Timely warnings are usually issued for the following classifications, but not limited to these:

  • Arson
  • Burglary
  • Robbery
  • Aggravated assault
  • Criminal homicide
  • Motor vehicle theft
  • Sex offenses
  • Any other crimes as deemed necessary
  • Domestic Violence
  • Stalking
  • Sexual Assaults
  • Date Rape and Violence


When a determination has been made that a timely warning should be issued, the College President or his/her designee will inform the campus community by immediately using the public address system, phone tree, campus wide email, and/or have an announcement posted on the campus website ( The warning may include, but is not limited to, the following information: type of crime, location of occurrence, and available suspect information. The Emergency Broadcast System will be utilized as the first line of announcement during an emergency.

Drug and Alcohol Policy

Weapons on Campus Policy

Unlawful Harassment/Discrimination Policy

Students Code of Conduct Policy

Student Grievance Policy

2020 Campus Safety and Security Survey - Main Campus

2020 Campus Safety and Security Survey - Crutchfield Campus

2021 Campus Safety and Security Survey - Main Campus

2021 Campus Safety and Security Survey - Crutchfield Campus

2021 Campus Safety and Security Survey Completion Certificate

2022 Campus Safety and Security Survey - Main Campus

2022 Campus Safety and Security Survey - Crutchfield Campus

2022 Campus Safety and Security Survey Completion Certificate

2023 Campus Safety and Security Survey - Main Campus

2023 Campus Safety and Security Survey - Crutchfield Campus

2023 Campus Safety and Security Survey Completion Certificate