VMWare vSphere Practice Labs and Review

VMware IT Academy

Questions? Contact Us.

Kelly Caudle
Program Head, IT Academy

VMware vSphere Exam Prep is recommended for students that have completed theVMware vSphere ICM class and/or the VMware vSphere OSS class. You will get the following items when attending the VMware Exam Prep Class:

  • Base of Questions regarding VMware vSphere 8.
  • Access to Labs associated with the Install, Configure, Manage and the Operate, Scale, and Secure classes. Please note that there is a total of 46 Labs of which are from these classes. These labs are granted to you for more hands on practice.
  • Updated Documentation to vSphere 8 from VMware vSphere 8 Documentation and VMware Whitepaper.

One important note: This class does not satisfy the required VMware educational portion of the certification process. It is designed for students who have previously taken the required training and are ready to sit for the certification exam. 
Also you will not receive a voucher at the end of this class. The voucher must be obtained by taking a satisfying class such as the Install, Configure, and Manage or the Operate, Scale, and Secure class from the Certified VMware Academy at Stanly Community College.

At the end of the course, you should have an understanding of the functionality in VMware vSphere 8 and be able to:

  1. Install and configure ESXi
  2. Install and configure vCenter Server
  3. Configure and manage ESXi networking and storage using vCenter Server
  4. Deploy and manage virtual machines
  5. Manage user access to the VMware infrastructure
  6. Increase scalability using vCenter Server
  7. Monitor resource usage using vCenter Server
  8. Apply patches using VMware vCenter Update Manager
  9. Manage higher availability and data protection using vCenter Server
  10. Configure and manage ESXi networking and storage for the large and sophisticated enterprise
  11. Manage changes to the vSphere environment
  12. Optimize the performance of all vSphere components
  13. Troubleshoot operational faults and identify their root causes
  14. Use VMware vSphere® ESXi™ Shell and VMware vSphere® Management Assistant to
    manage vSphere
  15. Use host profiles and VMware vSphere® Auto Deploy™ to provision ESXi hosts

Best practices and lab exercises are interspersed throughout the course.

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