Support Courses for Recertification

EMT and EMR Recertification Process (NCOEMS Re-credentialing)

Individuals who have attended EMS continuing education through Stanly Community College may apply/request to recertify/re-credential at the EMT or EMR level by clicking on and completing the form below. 

Recertification Request Form

Submit your request for re-credentialing no more than 90 days and no less than 30 days before your credential’s expiration date.

Have the following information ready when you complete the form:

1) Your Name                   5) Certification Level,

2) Address                          6) NC OEMS P-Number     

3) Telephone                     7) NC Credential Expiration Date,

4) Email                              8) Department Affiliation if any.

Our Level II Instructor will verify your continuing education hours (80 minimum for EMT) in the required topics as documented in the college records (Colleague) and your participation in the required skills practice and examinations.

If you meet the requirements for re-credentialing, the Level II instructor will complete the necessary re-credentialing forms on your behalf in the NCOEMS Continuum Information System.   

The NCOEMS will issue a new credential electronically via the OEMS Credentialing Information System (Continuum). (NCOEMS will no longer print and mail certification/credential cards or certificates.  Once your credential is renewed, you may log in to Continuum and download an electronic copy for your records.)

If upon review of your records, you are not eligible to re-credential due to the lack of continuing education hours or topics, you will be notified by a representative of the college who will assist you in exploring the options for obtaining the necessary hours or skills examination.

Note: There is no "grace" period on an EMS credential.  If you are not re-credentialed prior to your expiration date, your EMS credential will lapse.  If your EMT credential has lapsed, you must follow the specific NCOEMS guidelines to qualify and request consideration for the reinstatement of a lapsed credential. 


American Heart Association (AHA) Support Courses: CPR 

BLS-Healthcare Professional CPR (3-hour course)

Add Your Name to the Waiting List



Note:  At the present time, we are not offering open/independent ACLS and PALS courses.  Our current offerings are reserved for and embedded in our curriculum programs for Respiratory and EMS.  This page will be updated when we begin offering open/public courses again.

ACLS-Advanced Cardiac Life Support (16-hour initial course for Paramedics, Nurses, Respiratory Therapists, etc.)
ACLS-Advanced Cardiac Life Support (8-hour renewal course)
PALS-Pediatric Advanced Life Support (16-hour initial course for Paramedics, Nurses, Respiratory Therapists, etc.)
PALS-Pediatric Advanced Life Support (8-hour renewal course)