Ordering Tax Return Transcript

You will need to order a free IRS Tax Return Transcript if you are selected for verification and have received an email from the SCC Financial Aid office indicating that this document is required.

To order a free IRS Tax Return Transcript, please go to www.irs.gov --> Get Your Tax Record. Then choose how you would like to receive it (online or by mail) and follow the on screen prompts.

Nothing, it is free to order a tax return transcript.

Requests made via the online order or mail option take an average of 5-10 days to be filled if all requirements are met.

A IRS Tax Account Transcript is a summary of your return and does not satisfy the IRS Tax Transcript requirement.  Please make sure that you are ordering a IRS Tax Return transcript.

An amended tax return requires you to complete and submit an additional IRS form, the 1040X.

The requirements for an amended tax return are that you will need to submit a Tax Return Transcript AND a signed copy of your IRS Form 1040X.

The address matching/security system used by the IRS to log in to their site is very sensitive and it must match exactly with their information on file. The address must match what was on the tax return submitted. We suggest that you have your tax return copy for reference of the address. For example, spelling out the word “street” rather than using the abbreviation “st.”.

You are allowed three tries before getting locked-out and if you do get locked out, you will have to wait 24 hours before being able to try again. Help is available at the IRS.gov Website Help Desk via a toll-free number at 1-800-876-1715, Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. (Eastern Time).