Certifications (22-1999)
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Petra Fields
School Certifying Official
Military Service Education Benefits
Enrollment Certifications
The SCC School Certifying Official is responsible for notifying the VA of a student’s
enrollment. This process is considered an enrollment certification or submission of
form 22-1999. The School Certifying Official does not determine eligibility or pay
rates as this is done by the VA.
The enrollment certifications are submitted by using the VA’s software of VA-Once. Certifications include:
- The course start and end dates.
- The number of credit hours that are seated, online and remedial*.
- The amount of in-state tuition and fees.
*Remedial classes must be seated and meet the VA Undergraduate Resident Training requirements in that the total number of hours of classroom instruction per week must be equal or greater than the number of course credit hours awarded.
In addition to submitting the initial enrollment, the School Certifying Official must:
- Insure that all classes submitted meet VA standards and are required in the students current program of study.
- Report all changes to enrollment, i.e. adding of classes, withdrawal of classes, never attends, cancellations, deletion of classes, and changes to start/end dates.
- Monitor student’s grades to ensure that the student is making satisfactory progress and report when a student was terminated due to unsatisfactory progress.
- Monitor student’s conduct and report when a student is dismissed or suspended for unsatisfactory conduct.
Student Enrollment Certification:
Chapter 33 students must verify their enrollment status each month for enrollment
periods which begin on or after August 1, 2021, to continue to receive their monthly
housing allowance (MHA) and/or kicker payments. If a beneficiary fails to verify for
two consecutive months, VA will withhold any additional MHA payments until verified
by the student. The requirement for the student to verify their enrollment status
means VA cannot accept statements from the school to verify the enrollment, as the current process for monthly certification for other education benefits allows.
Students receiving Chapter 30, 1606, and 1607 must verify their enrollment monthly by Web Automated Verification of Enrollment (WAVE) or by Interactive Voice Response (IVR).
The preferred verification method is WAVE, which includes features not in IVR. When students are awarded benefits, the award letter they receive describes WAVE and IVR. The earliest students can verify their enrollment is the last calendar day of each month.
WAVE is on the Education Service website at https://www.gibill.va.gov/wave/index.do
Students must be currently enrolled in an approved educational program and must have a current benefit award to use WAVE. The WAVE system permits students to perform a multitude of functions. For instance, students may:
- Verify that enrollment has not changed
- Report a change in enrollment
- Change mailing address
- Initiate or change direct deposit information
- View the enrollment period and monthly benefit amount
- View the remaining entitlement
- Sign up for a monthly e-mail reminder
IVR allows students to “phone in” (1-877-823-2378) their monthly verification if there are no changes to the enrollment during the previous month. If there were changes in the enrollment, the student must contact the VA Certifying Official to submit a change in status and the payment may be delayed until the reduction is processed.