Guidelines for Employment of Online Faculty Rule
Approved By | Date |
Executive Leadership Team | 08-28-2023 |
ICORE | 08-22-2023 |
Faculty selected to teach and facilitate online courses will be assessed by the same standards of credentialing and experience as faculty teaching traditional courses. In addition, faculty teaching and facilitating online courses must have unique training and skills to be effective in the online environment. Program heads and deans will ensure that all online faculty possess or will acquire these basic skills:
- An understanding of the uniqueness of online learning.
- The necessity of regular and substantive interaction between faculty and students using non-traditional, technology-based methods.
- An understanding of the unique learning environment of online courses and the tools available to facilitate learning.
- Flexibility and discipline in developing and maintaining non-traditional work hours.
All online faculty, including full-time and part-time, are placed by the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) into the SCC Faculty: Teaching & Learning in Canvas course via an indication on the initial IT Access Form filed for that employee by the new hire’s supervisor via the MyPage Login on the college’s webpage. This submitted Access Form follows the IT workflow and the CTL receives a help desk ticket once approved to provide any necessary access in Canvas for the new hire.
This course is designed to cover current best practices for online courses at SCC as well as a comprehensive overview of how to use the LMS. The course is developed and supported by the CTL. Successful completion of the course is indicated by the issuance of a certificate of completion once all requirements of the course are complete.
Individual programs may develop additional guidelines and standards that are specific to their programs, courses, and faculty that can be included in the Success through Ongoing Academic Review (S.O.A.R.) course shell for that program or department.
SCC Uniform Procedures for Online Instructors
SACS Distance Education and Principles of Accreditation:
Documenting Compliance Guidelines
Comprehensive Standards 6.2.a Revision: 03/22/2020, 10/26/2020