
Warehouse Codes Rule

Approved By Date
Executive Leadership Team 01-08-2024
ICORE 12-13-2023

Type of Course





College credit or continuing education courses where the instructor and students meet face-to-face, according to designated dates/times/location and where there is no Internet or other method of delivery requirement. 

100% of class hours are seated.

Cooperative Education


Instruction consisting of the integration of traditional classroom learning with supervised work experience and where there is no Internet requirement.

There may be an internet requirement for non-instructional paperwork or documentation submission.

Independent Study


Self-paced course in which a student progresses through the instructional materials at their own pace, regardless of method of delivery.

Instructor contact times with the student must be documented and submitted with the roster.



College credit or continuing education courses where 100% of the instruction is delivered through the Internet. 

(Assessments methods may be onsite, ex: Proctored tests, tests) Sections maybe limited to one or more students needing the class for graduation requirements.



College credit or continuing education course where the primary delivery is via traditional face-to-face method with a requirement those students have Internet access as a supplemental part of the course.

Less than 50% of delivery is online or electronic format.



College credit or continuing education course where the primary delivery is on-line with a requirement that students also meet in traditional face-to-face sessions as determined appropriate by the college. 

Primary delivery is online or electronic format and is 50% or higher.

Hybrid Flexible (HyFlex)


A multi-modal instructional delivery method where the college has the option to deliver the online portion of a curriculum or continuing education course synchronously, asynchronously, or both as long as 100% of the instruction is offered face to face with the instructor in a physical classroom. Students may choose to attend the regularly scheduled in-person session or the online option on a session-by-session basis.


Revision: 04/22/2009, 03/22/2021