College Marketing Intake Rule
Approved By | Date |
Executive Leadership Team | 08-21-2023 |
ICORE | 08-16-2023 |
Stanly Community College (SCC) values its image and branding. The purpose of consistent imaging and branding is to increase recognition of SCC and the information pertaining to program and event offerings. SCC’s Marketing & Outreach Department is the central clearinghouse for the development and final review/approval of all print, digital, social media, video, and promotional materials, hereinafter referred to as “marketing materials”. SCC’s Marketing & Outreach Department works closely with faculty and staff who serve as content specialists to develop and design marketing materials. All marketing materials must adhere to the SCC Style Guide. The SCC Style Guide is available for viewing on the college share drive in the Marketing folder.
All marketing materials must undergo a review process that is led by the Marketing & Outreach Department staff and includes input from the content expert(s), including administration, faculty, staff, students, and others, to facilitate the production and accuracy of information. Prior to materials being printed, distributed, and/or posted online, they must undergo an additional process of proofing and updating.
For printed materials, stakeholders will review a proof copy that is updated based on their feedback. A final proof must be reviewed prior to printing. All stakeholders will work with the Duplicating Services Coordinator and the Marketing & Outreach Department to ensure the adherence of the approval process. Acceptable formats for printing purposes include Publisher, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, PDFs, JPGs, GIFs, BMP, PNG, and TIFFs. Word files are discouraged but can be used if no formatting changes are needed.
For digital materials, the process of proofing and updating continues throughout the duration of the posted materials. Digital materials also include the college website and all official social media accounts. Divisions, departments, programs, organizations, etc., of the college are expected to review monthly the content of their pages on the website to help ensure accuracy. On a weekly basis, the Marketing & Outreach Department monitors the activity and accuracy of content across all official social media accounts. SCC social media accounts must remain active by posting information bi-weekly and monitor and respond if appropriate to posts. (For details, refer to the Social Media and Networking Policy and Procedures.)
All video production must be through the supervision of the Marketing Department.
Creation of videos using third-party sources (Animoto, Ripl, etc.) is permissible but must adhere to the SCC Style Guide and be approved by the Marketing Department.
Please submit all marketing requests to SCC Tech Support Help Desk at or email to
Revision: 09-23-2019