
Curriculum Review Policy

Approved By Date
Board of Trustees 12-12-2013
Executive Leadership Team 09-03-2013
ICORE 08-21-2013

The Stanly Community College (SCC) Board of Trustees has ultimate and final authority over the addition, deletion, and inception of all curriculum programs.  In carrying out that responsibility, the Board of Trustees invites the faculty to be actively engaged in the process.  Curriculum change and development at SCC is a faculty driven process and is carried out through collaboration among program faculty, Faculty Senate, and administration.  College faculty and Program Heads may find it appropriate to add programs of study, add courses, or make other changes to existing programs of study, all of which require curricular review and approval at the institution.  The SCC Faculty Senate has the responsibility for first level approval of all curricular review. 

Curriculum Review Procedures

Approved By Date
Executive Leadership Team 12-13-2021
ICORE 12-08-2021

The following procedures will constitute the flow of events and protocol for entering into the curricular review process at the institution.  While the curricular review protocol is under the domain of college policy and procedure, the Faculty Senate’s guidelines are incorporated here for a complete description of the process. Likewise, the Faculty Senate assumes a participatory role and responsibility in the administration of the approval process on behalf of the College. 

  1. The following alterations to curriculum offerings will warrant curricular review:
    1. Addition or deletion of a program of study
    2. Addition or deletion of courses to an existing program of study
    3. Addition or deletion of a credential offering to an existing program of study
    4. A change in course sequence
    5. Modification of elective offerings
    6. Modification of course pre or co-requisites
    7. Modification of programs of study as a result of state system changes
    8. Addition or removal of a fourth sentence to the course description
    9. Change in mode of delivery that triggers a Substantive Change for SACSCOC
  2. The process for proposed changes are:
    1. Department/Program Head discusses proposed change with the Dean and Associate Vice President and gains initial approval to proceed.
    2. Department/Program Head will start the process with the Instructional Coordinator who will facilitate and track the requested change as it moves through the flow of approvals.
    3. Department/Program Head will fill out required forms and supply supplemental documents needed.
  3. Proposed Change is presented to the SACSCOC Liaison and the LRC Director for signatures.
  4. Faculty Senate for review and approval.
  5. If Faculty Senate approves, the change advances to ICore for review and approval.
  6. If approved by ICore, the Vice President of Academic Affairs will advance the change to the Executive Leadership Team (as needed to advance the change to the Board of Trustees).
  7. Board of Trustees will approve any new programs or program deletions.
  8. The Instructional Coordinator will track the change through all levels of approval, inform the Department/Program Head and Associate Vice President of the approval. The Instructional Coordinator will make the change in the catalog and submit the program of study change to the North Carolina Community College System Office.
  9. The timeline for completing curricular review is dictated by catalog and North Carolina Community College System submittal deadlines. The Instructional Coordinator will announce deadlines annually.


Revisions: 12/10/2014 (procedures)


SACSCOC Standard 10.4, Academic governance.