Social Media and Networking Policy
Approved By | Date |
Board of Trustees | 12-10-2020 |
Executive Leadership Team | 10-26-2020 |
ICORE | 10-21-2020 |
Stanly Community College recognizes that social media can be a highly effective tool for sharing ideas and exchanging information. While the College believes that social media can support professional and business development, the College is also aware that excessive or inappropriate social media use for personal or professional reasons can negatively impact SCC’s productivity and resources. If social media is used in an SCC employee’s capacity as an employee, then SCC permits reasonable use of social media that follows SCC’s guidelines and best practices for social media. This use could include, though it is not limited to, access for research or to participate in audio conferences or webinars. Employees’ activity cannot interfere with employees’ regular job duties and responsibilities. Personal social media sites are not appropriate tools for SCC communication between employees and students for SCC-related activities.
Social Media and Networking Procedures
Approved By | Date |
Executive Leadership Team | 08-21-2023 |
ICORE | 08-16-2023 |
- SCC defines social media broadly to include online platforms that facilitate activities such as professional or social networking, posting commentary or opinions, and sharing pictures, audio, video, or other content. Social media includes personal websites and all types of online communities where individuals communicate and/or share digital content.
- Without obtaining individual consent, SCC posts photos and video feeds to social media during college-sponsored events and activities when there is no reasonable expectation of privacy. Students, employees, vendors, and community members give permission for SCC to use their image by their attendance at the event or activity. SCC relies on the diligence of public school personnel, under public school policies, to maintain the confidentiality of public school minors during SCC-sponsored events and activities. If an adult or the parent/guardian of a minor does not want their image or that of their minor child to be included in social media posts, the individual must contact the Marketing & Outreach Department or the videographer or photographer. SCC cannot prevent uses of images secondary to SCC’s posts and video feeds when screen captures or other third-party actions occur before SCC is notified to remove someone’s image.
- SCC engages in communications with current and prospective employees, students, customers, business partners, vendors and suppliers, affiliates and subsidiaries, and the general public via SCC-sponsored social media. Only employees/students who are designated and authorized by the Marketing & Outreach Department can prepare content for or modify content on SCC-sponsored social media pages. The Marketing & Outreach Department will audit all SCC’s official social media sites quarterly and report back to the Executive Leadership Team.
- SCC will establish professional sites for any employee who utilizes social networking for college-related business. SCC retains the right to oversee each official SCC social media page. Once approval has been given, the Marketing & Outreach Department will register the account with the social networking service requested and notify the requestor. The College-created username and password for the social media page, feed, story, etc. may not be changed except by the Marketing & Outreach Department. The requestor will be responsible for maintaining the service with regular interactions and may contact the Marketing & Outreach Department for assistance as needed. The Marketing & Outreach Department will maintain account records if content needs review or someone other than the original requestor assumes responsibility for the site. If the social media becomes dormant after two weeks, the Marketing & Outreach Department has the authority to disable the account.
- All college-related communication through social media outlets should remain professional in nature and should always be conducted in accordance with the College’s communications policy, practices, procedures, and expectations. Employees/students must not use SCC’s official social media for political purposes, to conduct private commercial transactions, or to engage in private business activities. Employees should be mindful that inappropriate use of SCC’s official social media may be grounds for disciplinary action. If an account is used for educational purposes or college business, the entire account, regardless of any personal views, is subject to SCC’s best practices guidelines.
- All social media sites using Stanly Community College’s name must be approved by the Marketing & Outreach Department.
- Employees should never use their college e-mail account in conjunction with a personal social networking site. SCC permits reasonable personal use of its electronic communications systems and devices for social media purposes; however, such use should be consistent with business needs and work responsibilities. For example, accessing and utilizing social media for substantial periods of the workday does not constitute reasonable use. During work hours, employees are discouraged from accessing and utilizing social media and should limit their use as they would personal breaks. SCC must assume that you are using social media if your web browser is on a social media site, so you should promptly leave the site when you are not actively using the site.
- While SCC respects employees' right to express personal opinions when using personal social media web pages for lawful purposes, SCC does not view social media as the appropriate forum for complaints and negative views of SCC, its employees, students, former employees, customers, or other affiliates. Employees also should consider all of SCC's policies and procedures before discussing work-related activities on their personal pages. In addition, employees should refer to SCC’s subject-specific policies for appropriate complaint procedures.
- All individuals utilizing Stanly Community College sponsored social media outlets should take security precautions to protect themselves from predators and others by not posting personally identifiable or contact information. Students and employees should also be aware that their online communication is subject to Stanly Community College’s Student Code of Conduct for academic and non-academic violations, and/ or Stanly Community College’s Employees’ Policy and Procedures. The College reserves the right to contact individuals regarding information posted on social media outlets, such as things that violate a Stanly Community College policy or procedure.
Stanly Community College’s Social Media guidelines and best practices:
- All SCC social media sites must be monitored weekly and updated at least weekly. If any site remains inactive for more than four weeks, the Marketing & Outreach Department will contact the College owner of the social media site to request activity or the site will be rendered dormant by the Marketing & Outreach Department.
- Think twice before posting; privacy does not exist in the world of social media.
- Strive for accuracy. Get the facts straight before posting them on social media. Review content for grammatical and spelling errors.
- Be respectful. Understand that content contributed to a social media site could encourage comments or discussion of opposing ideas. Responses should be considered carefully for how they reflect on the author and/or SCC’s brand.
- Remember the audience. Post engaging content that is relevant to students and community. If unsure about how to address problems, then contact the Marketing & Outreach Department for guidance. Be aware that social media presence is available to the public. This includes prospective students, current students, current employees and colleagues, and peers. Consider this before publishing to ensure the post will not alienate, harm, or negatively affect any of these groups.
- SCC social media sites must include the approved College logo and other appropriate branding including approved fonts and colors found in the approved SCC Style Guide.
Revision: 12/09/2013, 05-12-2020 (procedures), 02/20/2014 (policy)