Drop/Add, Never Attended, Withdrawal Policy
Approved By | Date |
Board of Trustees | 10-18-2023 |
Executive Leadership Team | 08-20-2023 |
ICORE | 08-15-2023 |
Stanly Community College (SCC) recognizes the need for students to make adjustments to course schedules. Courses may be added or dropped only during published Drop/Add dates as noted on the College Calendar found on the SCC website. A student who has not attended at least one class period or logged into an online class and completed an Academic Activity (submitted work) by the census date of the course will be dropped from the course roster for failure to attend. After the Drop/Add period, a student withdrawing from a course is responsible for initiating an official course withdrawal through the Student Records Department or with the instructor of the course.
Drop/Add, Never Attended, Withdrawal Procedures
Approved By | Date |
Executive Leadership Team | 12-01-2024 |
ICORE | 11-12-2024 |
Drop/Add Period
- Students may complete course changes via Self-Service or they may obtain a drop/add form from the Student Forms link on the Stanly Community College website, complete the form, and submit it to the Student Records Department.
- Courses may be dropped up to and on the census date for each class; which is also defined as the 10% point of the course. After the census date, a grade is required as outlined in the college catalog.
- Students must fulfill any financial obligations that occur due to their schedule change. Specific information related to refund requirements are found in the SCC Refund Policy
Never Attended
If a student has not attended class or has not participated in an online class by 11:59 PM on the census date, the instructor is required to initiate the process to drop a student by marking the student as “never attended” in Self-Service Attendance the day following the census date. Grades are not applicable to students who never attend.
- The census dates are visible within Self-Service.
- The “Never Attend” box should be selected in Self-Service Attendance to indicate that the student has not attended.
- The student will then be dropped from the course by the Student Records Department and removed from the official roster.
- Only those students approved by the Vice President of Academic Affairs will be eligible to remain in a class if they have not attended by the census date of the course.
- Specific information related to refund requirements are found in the SCC Refund Policy.
- Once the last date to withdraw from a class has passed, students cannot request to be withdrawn; however, the instructor has the discretion to assign a withdrawal grade (“W”), or the grade earned. Instructors may, in certain instances, contract with the student to receive an Incomplete (“I”) grade. See the SCC Grade Policy for stipulations related to “I” grades. Students may withdraw from classes until the date indicated in the Academic Calendar, which will be approximately as follows: Students can withdraw from 4-week and 8-week classes approximately up to 1 week prior to the end of the class. Students can withdraw from 12-, 14- and/or 16-week classes approximately up to 2 weeks prior to the end of the class.
- Instructors will assign a withdrawal grade (“W”) if a student:
- Requests a withdrawal prior to the last date to withdraw;
- OR has two consecutive weeks of absences and/or does not meet the class requirements before the last date to withdraw in 12-, 14-, or 16-week classes, unless the instructor approves one additional week based on extenuating circumstances. No student should be allowed to remain in a course if the student has not attended or made academic progress for 21 consecutive calendar days, regardless of communication with the student.
- OR has one consecutive week of absences and/or does not meet the class requirements before the last date to withdraw in 4 or 8-week classes, unless the instructor approves one additional week based on extenuating circumstances. No student should be allowed to remain in a course if the student has not attended or made academic progress for 14 consecutive calendar days, regardless of communication with the student.
- Instructors are required to evaluate attendance and participation weekly. The instructor must enter a withdrawal and a last date of attendance in Self-Service Attendance. The instructor will put a last date of attendance in Self-Service Attendance indicating the student’s last date of academic activity; then issue a “W” (withdrawal) grade in Self-Service Attendance.
- The College reserves the right to extend the length of time allowed for consecutive absences in the event of a declared state of emergency by federal, state, or local government officials or for other extreme circumstances as determined by the College’s Executive Leadership Team.
- The College will assign a grade of “WE” (Withdraw – Emergency) to indicate that a withdrawal is the result of the COVID-19 state of emergency.
- The College will assign a grade of “EW” (Emergency Withdrawal) to indicate that a withdrawal is the result of a declared disaster or state of emergency as authorized by the NC Community College System (NCCCS).
- For student withdrawals handled through the Student Records Department, an email will be sent to the instructor to inform him/her of the withdrawal.
- Faculty should be aware that dual enrolled students (CCP and Early College) may be impacted differently by withdrawals. Instructors should contact the Director of Dual-Enrollment Programs prior to issuing a W for dual enrolled students.
References: NCCCS Numbered Memo CC24-048
Revision: 12/10/2015 (policy); 10/19/2015, 04/27/2020, 04/21/2023 (procedures)