
College Spokesperson Policy

Approved By Date
Board of Trustees 10-19-2023
Executive Leadership Team 08-21-2023
ICORE 08-16-2023

Stanly Community College (SCC) recognizes that effective communications with the media are critical to SCC’s ability to carry out its mission and promote continued public support for the college. Effective media relations best serve the college by:

  • informing the public of what we can do for them,
  • promoting the college's achievements, activities, and events of significance,
  • expanding the general visibility of the college, and
  • ensuring that accurate information is conveyed to the public regarding incidents and issues of a controversial and/or sensitive nature.

Official Stanly Community College spokespersons are the college President and the chair of the Board of Trustees, who may choose to fulfill or delegate that function as appropriate.  The Executive Director of Marketing and Outreach serves as the Public Information Officer and may assist in speaking on behalf of the college or identifying delegate spokespersons.

College Spokesperson Procedures

Approved By Date
Executive Leadership Team 12-21-2015
ICORE 12-16-2015

The President and the Chair of the Board of Trustees are the designated spokespersons for the college.  No other employee is authorized to release information to the media and/or public unless specifically authorized to do so by the President, the Chair of the Board of Trustees, or through their delegation, the Public Information Officer (PIO).

All college employees should direct media questions to the PIO and not attempt to speak for the college.

Revision: 02-11-2016 (policy)