
Faculty/Staff Recruitment and Appointment Policy

Approved By Date
Board of Trustees 12-13-2018
Executive Leadership Team 10-22-2018
ICORE 10-17-2018

Stanly Community College (SCC) is dedicated to employing exemplary faculty and staff members who are student centered, qualified and capable of meeting the job expectations, as well as the mission, and goals of the institution. SCC strives to mirror the diversity in its student body through recruiting and hiring a diverse workforce. No applicant for employment will be deprived of employment opportunities because of race/color, religion, sex, national origin, age, pregnancy, disability, veteran status, or genetic information. Stanly Community College will comply with all State and Federal hiring and employment/labor law hiring guidelines.

Faculty/Staff Recruitment and Appointment Procedures

Approved By Date
Executive Leadership Team 03-14-2022
ICORE 03-09-2022


Employees of Stanly Community College are local employees of the Trustees of Stanly Community College and not State or County employees. Employees do enjoy the benefits of eligibility to participate in the State Health Plan and to be members of Teachers and State Employees Retirement System (TSERS) to accrue retirement eligibility. The President of Stanly Community College is authorized by the Trustees to employ and re-employ all faculty and staff based on the need for continued operations of the College, employee’s knowledge of job duties, implementation of those duties, performance appraisals, and other criteria the President deems necessary for one to carry out his/her job in a competent and professional manner.

The President, in collaboration with the appropriate Vice President and Director of Human Resources, may transfer, promote, reassign, or demote any Stanly Community College employee.

Position classifications:

  1. Full-time permanent personnel are those employed with an annual contract of at least nine months in length and subject to renewal each year.

  2. Part-time temporary staff are those who work a reduced weekly schedule (less than 30 hours) but receive a short-term contract (no more than six months in length). Part-time temporary staff are considered “at will” employees and are employed at the discretion of the college based on need.

  3. Part-time (adjunct) faculty are those who carry less than a full teaching load and are paid on individual course contracts or on hourly contracts. Adjunct faculty are hired on a per-class basis, and contracts are not subject to renewal. All part-time (adjunct) faculty employed to teach are subject to the same policies as full-time faculty with regard to necessary educational credentials. For a detailed explanation, please see the SCC Faculty Credentials Policy.

  4. Time-limited staff or faculty are those employees who work in a temporary appointment delineated for specific college needs, work a full-time schedule, receive full-time benefits, and whose contract is not subject to renewal.


  1. At the initiative of the President or upon the recommendation of the appropriate Vice President, the President may fill a vacancy or new position by transferring a current Stanly Community College employee from another position.

  2. Upon determining a need to fill a vacancy or create a new position, the Hiring Manager will initiate the Employee Search Authorization form. This applies to all full-time positions and to part-time staff positions. Hiring managers may notify Human Resources to post vacancy announcements for adjunct faculty positions by completing the Employee Search Authorization form. For full-time positions, a signed authorization form from the appropriate Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, and the President must be received before Human Resources will advertise the vacancy. Requests for part-time positions only require the signatures of the submitter and the appropriate Associate Vice President or Vice President, as applicable, and can be sent directly to HR.

  3. The President and appropriate Vice President will determine whether full-time and part-time staff vacancies will be advertised externally or for internal candidates only.

  4. Proposed interview committees indicated on the Employee Search Authorization form are only applicable to full-time positions. Interview committees are not required for part-time positions. When applicable, interview committees should be made up primarily from the division or department where the opening for employment exists. Other committee members should have some direct connection to the division or department. Committee make up should reflect diversity.

  5. Candidates for part-time positions will be recruited and processed within the division seeking to fill the position. All applications, interviews, contracts, and relevant paperwork shall be completed under the direction of the Dean and/or Associate Vice President.

  6. Once Human Resources receives the signed Employee Search Authorization form, they will oversee the recruitment and hiring process according to the following responsibilities:

    • Create a hiring file for the position advertised. Applications and supporting documentation will be kept on file in accordance with the North Carolina Community College System Records Retention and Disposition Schedule.

    • Approve interview committee.

    • Send Hiring Manager Hiring Matrix and first draft Interview Questions for review.

    • Send Hiring Manager complete applications with resume, cover letter, and transcripts.

      • Note: Vacancies are posted until filled unless otherwise stated.

  7. The Hiring Manager will submit interview questions to the Director of Human Resources for approval.

  8. The Hiring Manager will qualify applicants using the Hiring Matrix.

  9. The Hiring Manager will make recommendations to Human Resources for candidates to interview based on all information provided. At the time of recommendation, the Hiring Manager will submit to Human Resources the candidate(s)’ application/credential information, Hiring Matrix, and interview questions if not previously submitted.

  10. Upon receipt of all hiring information, Human Resources will coordinate interviews.

  11. A representative from the Human Resources office will be present for all interviews to ensure compliance in the interview and hiring process. The representative will not participate in voting on a candidate to recommend for a final interview. Based on the results of the initial interview, the Hiring Manager will forward qualified faculty applications to the SACSCOC Liaison for credentialing.

  12. Once interviews are complete, the interview committee will recommend a candidate of choice to Human Resources for final levels of interview with the President and the appropriate Vice President. If the interview committee recommends a candidate of choice who did not receive the highest score or tie for highest on the interview form, then the committee must explain the choice in writing.  

  13. Human Resources will conduct reference checks on candidates recommended for a final interview and will coordinate interviews for those with satisfactory reference checks.

  14. If the President approves a candidate for employment, the appropriate Vice President will make a conditional offer of employment. A specific salary will be quoted and benefit information will be provided. A conditional offer is made based upon satisfying the requirements of the Pre-Employment Screening Policy.

  15. If the President does not approve a candidate, or if all conditional offers of employment are declined, the position will remain open until filled. If at any time a position is closed, the hiring manager must submit a new Employee Search Authorization in order to reopen a posting.

  16. Once a position has been offered and accepted, Human Resources will contact all interviewed applicants to communicate their status in the selection process. Human Resources will also officially announce all new employees to SCC faculty and staff.


Initial Contracts - Regular and Time-Limited (New Hires)

Employment with Stanly Community College is defined by an employment contract.  When a full-time employee is initially hired, he/she will be issued a contract which states that the first six months of employment will be a probationary period, during which time employment is considered “at will” and may be terminated at any time. At the end of this probationary period, there will be an evaluation of the Employee. If performance is satisfactory, the contract will continue in a non-probationary status. If performance is not satisfactory, the contract may be terminated. The contract may be terminated at the discretion of either SCC or the Employee. Due process is not available to employees who are dismissed during the probationary period of their contract.



Revision: 10/22/2018 (procedures)