
Smoking/ Tobacco-Free Campus Policy

Approved By Date
Board of Trustees 02-20-2014
Executive Leadership Team 12-19-2013
ICORE 12-11-2013

Stanly Community College (SCC) recognizes that the use of tobacco products is a health, safety, and environmental hazard for students, employees, visitors, and college facilities. The College believes that the use of tobacco products on college grounds, in college buildings and facilities, on college property, and at college-sponsored events is detrimental to the health and safety of students, employees, and visitors. The College takes seriously its obligation to provide a healthy learning and working environment, free from unwanted smoke and tobacco use, for students, employees, and visitors at all SCC instructional facilities.

Smoking/ Tobacco-Free Campus Procedures

Approved By Date
Executive Leadership Team 02-25-2019
ICORE 02-13-2019

All members of the college community are responsible for monitoring adherence to this policy.

Signs shall be posted in a manner and location to provide sufficient notification to students, employees, and visitors of the 100 percent tobacco-free college policy.  Tobacco is defined as all tobacco-derived or containing products, including and not limited to, cigarettes (e.g., clove, bidis, kreteks), electronic cigarettes, cigars, and cigarillos, hookah smoked products, pipes, and oral tobacco (e.g., spit and spitless, smokeless, chew, snuff), and nasal tobacco.  It also includes any product intended to mimic tobacco products, contain tobacco flavoring, or deliver nicotine other than for the purpose of cessation.

  1. “College location” means in any college building or on any college premises or in any college-owned vehicle or in any other college-approved vehicle used to transport students to and from college or college activities;
  2. All members of the college community shall abide by the tobacco-use guidelines or designations of off-college property at any college-sponsored or college-approved activity, event, or function, such as a field trip where students are under the jurisdiction of the college.
  3. No student, college employee, or college visitor (including volunteers, contractors, vendors, or other persons performing services on behalf of the college) is permitted to use any tobacco product at any time, including during non-college hours, at a College location, except as otherwise provided in this policy.
  4. Tobacco products may be included in instructional or research activities in college buildings if the activity is conducted or supervised by the faculty member overseeing the instruction or research and if the activity does not include smoking, chewing, or otherwise ingesting the tobacco product.


References: N.C. Gen. Stat § 115D-20.1; N.C. Gen. Stat §143-599

Revisions: 09/15/2014 (procedures)