
Pre and Co-requisites Policy

Approved By Date
Board of Trustees 04-11-2019
Executive Leadership Team 01-28-2019
ICORE 01-23-2019

Stanly Community College recognizes the need for adherence to course pre/corequisites. The College will follow the course pre/corequisite requirements as established by the North Carolina Community College System and the College. 

Pre and Co-requisites Procedures

Approved By Date
Executive Leadership Team 09-09-2024
ICORE 08-28-2024

Gateway Course Requisites

Stanly Community College follows the Reinforced Instruction for Student Excellence (RISE) developmental education program for placement into gateway courses either with or without a co-requisite, as defined by the North Carolina Community College System Office, Academic Programs.  RISE Prerequisites provide instruction through transition courses which offer the developmental foundations for gateway English and Math courses. 

RISE Co-requisites are developmental support courses offered at the same time as the gateway English or Math course.  The purpose of this support is to provide real-time instruction for students while in the gateway English or Math courses.  Because these courses are co-requisites, meaning they must be taken prior to the gateway course or at the same time as the gateway course, the following is true:

  • Successful completion of the gateway English or Math course indicates that the support course was successful as well, thus earns a grade of "P" for the corresponding co-requisite.
  • Students who successfully complete the co-requisite course but not the corresponding gateway English or Math course will not be required to repeat the co-requisite course when repeating the gateway English or Math course.

Students who have earned a Bachelor's or Associate's Degree, from an institution in which the college would accept credits from, have satisfied the requirements for RISE Pre and Co-requisites.  For more information regarding the acceptance of credit, please see Transfer of Credit from Other Institutions for Curriculum Policy. 



  1. Students wishing to register for a course requiring a state or local prerequisite, will produce official documentation containing the prerequisite credit, by means of an official transcript, placement test scores or other approved documentation, to the Student Records Office. The Student Records Office will record the receipt of the documentation and will forward any transcripts to the Curriculum Student Records Coordinator. Any valid credits from official transcripts will also be added to the student's academic record with SCC. Students who cannot produce official documentation, including official transcripts and/or placement test scores, will not be allowed to register for the course in question.
  2. Students wishing to register for a course requiring a state or local prerequisite, who have not completed the prerequisite course(s), should contact their Success Coach or the Dean or Associate Vice President of the area in which they wish to enroll.  Students must demonstrate that they have the appropriate knowledge and skills required for admission to the course.  If it is determined that the student has the appropriate knowledge and skills required for admission to the course, the student may be registered for the course.
    1. Waivers of local prerequisites require approval by the appropriate Dean.
    2. Waivers of state prerequisites require approval by the appropriate Associate Vice President.
    3. The Dean or Associate Vice President must submit an “Override of Pre/Co-requisite Form” to the Student Records Office along with supporting documentation. The Registrar will build a waiver for the student and will contact the success coach to register the student.  
  3. Students wishing to register for a course requiring a state or local prerequisite, who have not completed the requirements and have no valid waiver reason, must successfully complete the prerequisite before attempting further registrations for the course in question.
  4. Any registrations for courses without the submission of an "Override of Pre/Co-requisite Form" are subject to deletion by the Student Records Office to prevent possible audit exceptions.
  5. All "Override of Pre/Co-requisite Forms" will be collected each semester and retained in the Student Records Office until the semester in question has been audited.
  6. Official documentation, with regard to transcripts, is defined as an official, sealed transcript delivered to SCC's Student Records Office. Transcripts can be received through US mail or hand-delivered, as long as they are sealed in the envelope from the institution. Electronic transcripts received directly from the institution will also be accepted. Placement test scores from other colleges can be faxed or emailed to SCC's Student Records Office, if it is evident that the school sent the information, or mailed in a sealed envelope from the college. SAT scores and AP credits from The College Board should be requested from The College Board and be sent directly to the Student Records Office.



  1. Students wishing to register for a course requiring a state or local co-requisite, should be registered for both courses simultaneously or have previously completed the co-requisite.
  2. Withdrawing or dropping a course or its assigned co-requisite will result in a withdrawal or drop from the associated course. 

Revisions: 02/20/2014 (policy); 12/19/2013, 1/28/2019 (procedures)


NCCCS Curriculum Procedures Reference Manual Section 23